The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Knock Knock.
Who’s There?
Levi Who?

Levi Johnston is a total loser who’s never gonna have another chance at anybody half as fine as Bristol Palin! They’re reporting that Mama Grizzly will be in the studio when Bristol makes her debut performance on “Dancing With the Stars.” Having had the opportunity to hang out with Todd Palin, I know that he’s tough enough […]

Barbara Reports From Red State Gathering In Austin

by Smitty Barbara at American Freedom, both a senior friend of this blog and a TweetDeck user, appears to have had a blast. Her wit and charm made up for a lack of Stacy McCain, fedoras, and pudding. Follow the link to find out how close she got to Governor Rick Perry. Meanwhile, I’m still […]

Jon Hamm Implies Constitution Is Some Kind Of Secret Agenda

by Smitty (via Big Hollywood) We can’t load-shed these Leftist idiots in Hollyweird quickly enough: Among the more tedious aspects of the current political crisis is the Left’s systemic unwillingness to confront the fact that they have become exactly the kind on ill-liberal, authoritarian swine they should claim to despise. Anyone else want to see […]

Could Mattie Fein Become California’s Christine O’Donnell?

I don’t know if Mattie Fein ever dabbled in witchcraft, but she is certainly tired of being dissed by the same Republican establishment types who are running down the Delaware GOP Senate candidate: Karl Rove’s now-infamous disparagement of Christine O’Donnell has provoked one Republican congressional candidate to go public with her criticisms of GOP leadership. Mattie Fein, […]

Al Franken and Christine O’Donnell on Bill Maher Show? MUST-SEE TV!

You know you gotta watch it: BTW, another of Maher’s guests on that 1997 show is also now running for Congress: Star Parker in California’s 37th District. Of course, the obvious question is, why are all these RINO-hugging “experts” telling us that Christine O’Donnell isn’t “electable” as a senator — but Al Franken is? UPDATE: Transcribed […]

In Desperate Effort to End Flame War Between Allahpundit and Dan Riehl, Former Playboy Model Karissa Shannon and Boyfriend Agree to Release Sex Video

Blessed are the peacemakers, who figure they might as well cash in on their D-list notoriety: Sources close to the couple tell us they both agreed to a deal with Vivid Entertainment when the offer hit the “six-figure range.” What? You wanted pictures?

Bill Clinton Triggers Boston Requirement

by Smitty (h/t Gateway Pundit) Clinton in The Hill, emphasis mine: Former President Bill Clinton said Sunday that the Tea Party movement “reflects the feeling of a lot of Americans that they’re getting the shaft,” but isn’t clear what it stands for. We closed our eyes this past century, and liberty has slipped away. Getting […]

It’s A Good Start, But Where Is The Feedback Loop?

by Smitty via (Insty) Marianne Moran’s article in the Richmond Times-Dispatch concerns an Amendment to give States repeal power over Federal legislation: We need an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that will allow the repeal of any act of Congress or regulation when two-thirds of the states agree to the repeal. Insufficient, say I, and […]

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