IowaHawk’s Jim Anchower Moment
by Smitty IowaHawk retreated from Twitter long enough to spin the President’s inane car metaphors into a jolly shaggy dog story. However, I must protest that casting the President in Jim Anchower light is rather unfair to a fictional character, albeit a trashy stoner idiot.
Who Are Christine O’Donnell’s Enemies?
CBS News has this headline: Watchdog: Christine O’Donnell “Clearly a Criminal” But who is the “watchdog”? Longtime O’Donnell supporter Jerry Wilson explained this Saturday: The group in question, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), is funded in part by individuals who are members of the Democracy Alliance. The Democracy Alliance was created in 2005 by […]
New Definition of ‘Hate’: Conclusively Proving How Stupid Democrats Are
My friend Andrew Marcus at Founding Bloggers produced this video, which I found via my friend Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit. To call Glenn Beck a “coward”? Easy. To claim that Tea Party activists are motivated by “hate”? Easy. But to call Andrew Breitbart a “faggot” while doing these things is to invite yourself to one […]
Dale Peterson Brings The Ooo-Rah
by Smitty (h/t Andrew Ian Dodge) This smacks of a Ladd Ehlinger outing: Go, Dale Peterson!
Shiny New GOP Legislative Agenda Due This Thursday
by Smitty Bearing Drift relays what could be a fairly big deal: ABC news was told today that the GOP’s official agenda will be unveiled on Thursday at a small hardware [store] in Sterling, Virginia. Congressman Boehner is expected to be accompanied by a few other members of leadership and local business owners. The GOP’s […]
‘Stache And The Election Day Tea Party
by Smitty (h/t The Wolf Files) John Bolton: “I joined the Election Day Tea Party project because — perhaps more than any other in my lifetime — the results of this election cycle will determine the future of the United States as the leader of the free world,” said Ambassador John Bolton. “Election Day Tea […]
22-Year-Old ObamaCare Prophecy Video
by Smitty Blame Stacy for re-tweeting some fragment of Suicidal Tendencies lyrics. Shockingly hip of him. In this 1988 recording of heavy equipment rolling downhill, ST provide a glimpse of what the ObamaCare future may look like: Note the John Cusack cameo. Yeah, I owned this on cassette, I think. Speaking of things that come […]
Senator Jim DeMint Steps Up To The Plate
by Smitty (via Cubachi) Nothing says get stuffed, Senator Cornyn quite like a respectable ad buy in favor of a true conservative candidate: With talk of Jim DeMint, John Bolton, and a thousand other conservative stars for Presidential bids in 2012, the Left may wet itself into a state of collective dehydration. CHRISTINE O’DONNELL for […]
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