Staff of Sen. Saxby Chambliss Not Really Helping Republican Image Problem
Unless “ALL FAGGOTS MUST DIE” was the campaign theme GOP strategists were planning for this fall, somebody in the senator’s Atlanta office is about to join the growing ranks of the unemployed. Just sayin’ . . .
Fishersville Mike Joins Axis Of Fedora
by Smitty Fishersville Mike was caught in flagrente Starbucks on his way home from work. Yankee Phil has escaped our clutches for the nonce, but we’ll fix that as soon as possible. Mwahahahahah.
As If I Actually Needed an Excuse to Post This Picture of a Blonde in a Bikini
Conveniently enough, she managed to get herself involved in a serious political news story: Now, far be it from me to throw the first stone here. After all, who are we to judge? Or more to the point, who are we to make tasteless jokes about Giovana Huidobro and her married (alleged) boyfriend, Rep. Jesse […]
Harry Reid to Gays: ‘I Really Want Your Votes. But First You Will Blow Me.’
Or words to that effect, as the imperiled Senate Majority Leader — who’s losing ground to Sharron Angle in Nevada — was one of three Democrats to vote against repealing the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy: All Senate Republicans and three Democrats voted to block debate on the bill after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) […]
105 Years Old, But The Ink Never Dries
by Smitty Mike Walsh has a fine post at Big Journalism on gangster government, which concludes with a Senator Plunkitt quotation. He frames the challenge the Tea Parties face explicitely: You see, [political parties] differ on tariffs and currencies and all them things, but we agree on the main proposition that when a man works […]
Palate Cleanser Video: Sarah Palin Saluting Tea Party
by Smitty We luv huh! We love every twangy, non-blue-state approved word. We love the thought of heads in the Lefty Borg going critical and triggering a chain-reaction ‘splosion of new-clear proportions. Go, Sarah!
The Privilege Of Meeting Allen West
by Smitty Cubachi catches up the latest details of the Florida Democrat idiocy, where they are now offering to pay for theft monitoring “in order to stop the crazy West accusations” after spilling Privacy Act information. Stacy and I got to meet Allen West at CPAC. What a fine, solid American. Dems: you messed with […]
Ted Kennedy and Other Liberal Heroes
The Ted Kennedy Memorial Punchline was fairly popular on Twitter, earning re-Tweets and praise from Leather Penguin, among others. I explained: @LeatherPenguin Liberals insist Teddy be treated with awestruck reverence. He needs to be mocked, and often, and by someone who knows how. And elaborated: @LeatherPenguin Generally speaking, anyone or anything liberals especially idolize deserves the same treatment. […]
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