The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Reply to Rick Moran

Dan Riehl breaks his vow never to pimp-slap Rick again. Me? I’m just kind of at a lost for words at Rick’s description of “an identifiable tea party establishment . . . a self identified elite who are more interested in maintaining their position at the top of the tea party ziggurat than in stopping the […]

‘Oooh, Hooo, Witchy Woman . . .’

See how high she flies! Brian at Red Dog Report has much more. The big MSM headline from last night’s Hannity appearance was that Christine O’Donnell has decided to stop doing national media interviews. and concentrate instead on winning over Delaware voters. That’s just common sense, by the way. She’s raised more than $2 million […]

Spelling ‘Bite Me’ Is Fun and Easy!

Not since Americans were intoduced to the term “Scozzafava” (a synonym for two-faced backstabber) has any new hipster phrase caught on as quickly as “Murkowski,” meaning selfish bitch. Earlier this week, Mel Bryant at Conservatives for Palin pointed out that even Lisa the Loser’s own staff can’t remember how to spell her name, as seen in […]

October Surprise?

by Smitty Insty is fishing. But BlogProf brings the bait. Go hard or go home, say I: WASHINGTON, DC, 2x October, 2010: An unusually wooden President Barack Obama announced his immediate resignation in the Rose Garden today, citing medical concerns. In a un-presidented move, Joe Biden declined to take the oath, allowing House Speaker Nancy […]

‘She’s a Woman Who Just Wanted to Be a TV Star . . .’

For some reason, this story struck me as pathetically sad: “Food Network ‘chef’ Sandra Lee . . . talks a good game about wanting to help regular moms prepare quick meals so they have more time to spend with their kids, she is herself childless and regularly trots out her nieces and nephews on the […]

I Think Stacy McCain And Ronald Reagan Share This

by Smitty (h/t Power and Control) On the other hand, I voted for Ross Perot, so someone help me with the lumber in me e’e. 😉 Rodger SimonKimball, courtesy of Insty, notes that the “Recession is Over”. Here is a great idea for one of those Republican Governors Association ads: Kindergarten scene, bunch of kids […]

VIDEO: Delaware Democrat Chris Coons Says Obama ‘Made the Right Choice’

Who’s saying “nutty” stuff now, huh? “Somebody who’s going to work in responsible partnership with an administration that I think made the right choice on health care, on the stimulus, on the jobs bill.” — Chris Coons The Democrat has also said: “My first vote would be for Harry Reid to be the leader, and to […]

If Robert Gibbs Ejects, Maybe Mistress Jade Can, You Know, ‘Crack The Whip’

by Smitty American Power completely misses the point of the tenured English professor/dominatrix story. This is exactly the sort of ‘discipline’ we need to inject into our government and news media. Lisa D. Chávez for Press Secretary! She even looks like the woman in the blue blouse in the Devo video.

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