BREAKING: Fire Melts Steel, Oswald Killed JFK, Vince Foster Shot Himself
Posted on | September 16, 2010 | 41 Comments
While I was toiling in defense of Christine O’Donnell’s criticism of coed dorms, the Progressive Orgy Room was going berserk again:
Back in 1996, when then-Speaker Newt Gingrich’s finances were being investigated, O’Donnell complained that people were on a witch hunt to find anything to get Gingrich, instead of paying attention to serious ethics scandals — like putting Bill Clinton on trial for the supposed murder of Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster. . . .
O’Donnell was squarely in the conspiracy camp back then.
Which is a flat lie, according to O’Donnell’s actual remarks, provided in the transcript of the C-SPAN program which the same blog quotes at length:
I think it’s very interesting that President Clinton has come on a lot more charges and a lot more serious charges than what Newt Gingrich is being charged on, yet we’re not making as big of an issue, we’re not forcing that he go to trial . . . We’re not giving people like Paula Jones a fair trial, we’re not giving the case of Vincent Foster a fair trial — when there is a lot more empirical evidence that Clinton is involved in wrongdoing. . . .
Well, I think people are out on a witch hunt for Newt Gingrich . . . They’re just seeking anything to bring against him, because if you look at the charges, failing to seek legal advice on his tax exempt status. By no means am I dismissing the charge, but when you look in comparison, the beast of Whitewater that Bill Clinton is involved in and the little attention that that is getting, and the little serious investigation that that is getting.
Bill Clinton is charged of — for much more serious accounts of fraud than a mistake that Newt Gingrich got in. If you examine almost anybody’s tax records you can find something to charge them on. I hate to admit, but taxes are very complicated, so you can find something to bring almost anybody.
And then there’s also the issue of murder with Vincent Foster. That’s a much more serious charge than failing to seek legal advice, and yet we’re all just blowing that off, and everybody’s trying to focus on Newt Gingrich like a witch hunt, to bring him to the stake and burn him, because they don’t like the policy that he’s behind.
Is Eric Kleefeld incapable of reading his own transcript? Speaking extemporaneously on live TV, O’Donnell said that “the case of Vince Foster” had not been given “a fair trial,” that there had been “little serious investigation,” and subsequently said that “the issue of murder with Vince Foster” was “a much more serious charge” than any accusation made against Newt Gingrich.
All of which was arguably true, and the views expressed by O’Donnell were very widespread among Republicans in 1996. She said nothing about a conspiracy and, indeed, did not even use the phrase “cover-up,” which was in common circulation at the time.
For 10 years, I had the great honor and privilege of working with one of America’s finest investigative reporters, Jerry Seper of The Washington Times. Jerry did about as much reporting on Vince Foster’s July 1993 death as anyone on the planet. Jerry fully agreed (as do I) with the final conclusion that Foster indeed committed suicide. However, the circumstances surrounding Foster’s death were certainly suspicious and news accounts of the case left many people unconvinced of the official police explanation. It was not until Kenneth Starr issued a definitive report in 1997 that these suspicions were laid to rest.
Starr’s report had not been issued when O’Donnell spoke in 1996 of “the issue of murder” in connection with the Foster case. It would have much better if she had said “allegations of murder” or the “question of murder.” Given that she was speaking in a live-TV format, however, her somewhat awkward phrasing cannot fairly be construed to mean that O’Donnell was herself making such an allegation, much less that she was “in the conspiracy camp.”
So we see that, as in other instances, O’Donnell’s critics have seized upon her long-ago words, wrenched them out of context and interpreted them in the worst possible light. Note that O’Donnell’s defense of traditional Christian moral beliefs have been given this “gotcha” treatment by the same progressives who scream bloody murder if anyone makes reference to Barack Obama’s association with Rev. Jeremiah “God Damn America” Wright or with Bill “Weatherman” Ayers.
Eric Kleefeld of Talking Points Memo tries to paint Christine O’Donnell as being “in the conspiracy camp,” but he is utterly silent about his fellow progressives who, among much else, have claimed that Republicans “stole” the 2000 election in Florida, rigged Ohio voting machines for similar purposes in 2004, and invaded Iraq to pursue the interests of Halliburton, Big Oil and the “Zionist entity.”
Neither should we forget that longtime Clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal earned the nickname “Grassy Knoll” for his conspiracy theories about the JFK assassination, nor the “Fire Can’t Melt Steel” proclamations of prominent liberal 9/11 Truthers like the woman we should henceforth call The Other O’Donnell:
“I do believe that it’s the first time in history that fire has ever melted steel. . . . Miraculously, the first time in history, steel was melted by fire. It is physically impossible.”
— Rosie O’Donnell, 2007
You can’t accuse liberals of not having standards. They’ve got exactly two: One for them, and one for everybody else.
UPDATE: Linked by Professor Jacobson at Legal Insurrection.
41 Responses to “BREAKING: Fire Melts Steel, Oswald Killed JFK, Vince Foster Shot Himself”
September 16th, 2010 @ 9:52 pm
I think I’ve told you this story before, but it bears repeating here.
My oldest attended a public state university in southern Georgia. During her freshman term, she went to the infirmary with a bad cold. The nurses there couldn’t/wouldn’t give her any medicine for her cold, but were prompt to PUSH contraceptives. “While you’re here, wouldn’t you like some birth control pills?” they asked. “Why,” asked my girl, “will they make my cold go away?”
Child of snark, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Her school had the requisite coed dorms, the VeeJayJay Monologues once a term, women’s studies, opposite sex RA’s who always conveniently scheduled their room inspections while she was in the shower, diversity yaya, mandatory recitals by transgendered string quartets, you name it.
The point here being, now child the second is attending a private Christian university. Hopefully, he won’t emerge as damaged.
September 16th, 2010 @ 5:52 pm
I think I’ve told you this story before, but it bears repeating here.
My oldest attended a public state university in southern Georgia. During her freshman term, she went to the infirmary with a bad cold. The nurses there couldn’t/wouldn’t give her any medicine for her cold, but were prompt to PUSH contraceptives. “While you’re here, wouldn’t you like some birth control pills?” they asked. “Why,” asked my girl, “will they make my cold go away?”
Child of snark, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Her school had the requisite coed dorms, the VeeJayJay Monologues once a term, women’s studies, opposite sex RA’s who always conveniently scheduled their room inspections while she was in the shower, diversity yaya, mandatory recitals by transgendered string quartets, you name it.
The point here being, now child the second is attending a private Christian university. Hopefully, he won’t emerge as damaged.
September 16th, 2010 @ 10:49 pm
Nancy Pelosi has graciously agreed to show Ms. O’Donnell the proper way to service a man.
Unfortunately Mike Castle was unavailable. He was busy talking to President Obama and Vice President Biden.
September 16th, 2010 @ 6:49 pm
Nancy Pelosi has graciously agreed to show Ms. O’Donnell the proper way to service a man.
Unfortunately Mike Castle was unavailable. He was busy talking to President Obama and Vice President Biden.
September 16th, 2010 @ 11:11 pm
Robert Stacy McCain is too kind to Bill Clinton, but if he says Bill Clinton didn’t murder Whatz-his-name, I believe him.
September 16th, 2010 @ 7:11 pm
Robert Stacy McCain is too kind to Bill Clinton, but if he says Bill Clinton didn’t murder Whatz-his-name, I believe him.
September 16th, 2010 @ 11:20 pm
Good on ya, Stacy! That was over twenty-dollars-an-hour worth of rant, but when I hit the “Donate” button I got “Fatal Error”, and my caveman level of computer savvy doesn’t know how get around a fatal error. Bummer.
September 16th, 2010 @ 7:20 pm
Good on ya, Stacy! That was over twenty-dollars-an-hour worth of rant, but when I hit the “Donate” button I got “Fatal Error”, and my caveman level of computer savvy doesn’t know how get around a fatal error. Bummer.
September 16th, 2010 @ 11:36 pm
New bumper stickers for proud leftists:
I Spank the Monkey and I Vote
Sexual Purity is NOT a Family Value
Keep YOUR laws out of MY Glory Hole
If the People Jerk Off, The Leaders Will Follow
September 16th, 2010 @ 7:36 pm
New bumper stickers for proud leftists:
I Spank the Monkey and I Vote
Sexual Purity is NOT a Family Value
Keep YOUR laws out of MY Glory Hole
If the People Jerk Off, The Leaders Will Follow
September 16th, 2010 @ 11:39 pm
My Other Ride is an Electric Rubber Phallus
September 16th, 2010 @ 7:39 pm
My Other Ride is an Electric Rubber Phallus
September 17th, 2010 @ 12:30 am
They do seem a bit obsessive about sex, now don’t they?
FWIW, I’ve been married for 38 years and change, and we have children. And Grandchildren.
Such being the case, I’d offer the fact that there is not much about sex that I don’t know. But I will also offer the observation that it can only consume my total awareness for a little part of most days, and even when I was young, it didn’t manage to keep me from going to work and suchlike other stuff.
And this obsession with manual release? Sheesh! Don’t any of them have a wife, or a friend, or whatever?
Sex isn’t supposed to matter to the Democrats, even if you are a Homosexual. So why is a Republican’s sex life, or lack of the same, so terribly important?
They obsess about their own, and then they obsess vicariously about mine. I feel sorry for them, but I’m doing fine, thank you very much, and you are on your own.
I don’t care about your sex life, Democrats, and I don’t want to know. Too much farging information is not a good thing!
September 16th, 2010 @ 8:30 pm
They do seem a bit obsessive about sex, now don’t they?
FWIW, I’ve been married for 38 years and change, and we have children. And Grandchildren.
Such being the case, I’d offer the fact that there is not much about sex that I don’t know. But I will also offer the observation that it can only consume my total awareness for a little part of most days, and even when I was young, it didn’t manage to keep me from going to work and suchlike other stuff.
And this obsession with manual release? Sheesh! Don’t any of them have a wife, or a friend, or whatever?
Sex isn’t supposed to matter to the Democrats, even if you are a Homosexual. So why is a Republican’s sex life, or lack of the same, so terribly important?
They obsess about their own, and then they obsess vicariously about mine. I feel sorry for them, but I’m doing fine, thank you very much, and you are on your own.
I don’t care about your sex life, Democrats, and I don’t want to know. Too much farging information is not a good thing!
September 17th, 2010 @ 1:00 am
This sort of spin is solid evidence that the Demonrats are running scared of O’Donnell. I wonder if she knows how to make moose chili…?
September 16th, 2010 @ 9:00 pm
This sort of spin is solid evidence that the Demonrats are running scared of O’Donnell. I wonder if she knows how to make moose chili…?
September 17th, 2010 @ 1:05 am
Um, I think you might want to take a different approach than Christine O’Donnell is about as crazy Rosie O’Donnell
September 16th, 2010 @ 9:05 pm
Um, I think you might want to take a different approach than Christine O’Donnell is about as crazy Rosie O’Donnell
September 17th, 2010 @ 1:41 am
Much of what is being thrown at her could be turned around to much advantage if done promptly and deftly.
September 16th, 2010 @ 9:41 pm
Much of what is being thrown at her could be turned around to much advantage if done promptly and deftly.
September 17th, 2010 @ 2:09 am
@ Adobe Walls, #10.
Yes it could. Rove hates her, as does much of the Republican establishment.
In this election cycle, I’d recommend exploiting that fact. “We’re not going back to Bush here!”
FWIW, that even works for me. I was never very fond of GWB. Hey….Bush’s people hate her. The Democrat establishment hates her? How badly can you go wrong, given those facts?
September 16th, 2010 @ 10:09 pm
@ Adobe Walls, #10.
Yes it could. Rove hates her, as does much of the Republican establishment.
In this election cycle, I’d recommend exploiting that fact. “We’re not going back to Bush here!”
FWIW, that even works for me. I was never very fond of GWB. Hey….Bush’s people hate her. The Democrat establishment hates her? How badly can you go wrong, given those facts?
September 17th, 2010 @ 3:18 am
Jefferson101 – why does America care about O’Donnell’s views on sex, because she made it an issue, just like you did in your first comment about your daughter not getting medicine for her cold, but she did get advice on birth control, wake up!!
BTW – Rosie O’Donnell doesn’t speak for the entire left, she is just one person and one view, when you attempt to minimize the left by linking us to a single statement made by one person; you have proven nothing, but shows the readers of this blog that your incapable of writing to a audience outside of this limited blog .
September 16th, 2010 @ 11:18 pm
Jefferson101 – why does America care about O’Donnell’s views on sex, because she made it an issue, just like you did in your first comment about your daughter not getting medicine for her cold, but she did get advice on birth control, wake up!!
BTW – Rosie O’Donnell doesn’t speak for the entire left, she is just one person and one view, when you attempt to minimize the left by linking us to a single statement made by one person; you have proven nothing, but shows the readers of this blog that your incapable of writing to a audience outside of this limited blog .
September 17th, 2010 @ 3:26 am
Look, she’s a conservative, she’s a woman and she’s a babe. What other reaction can these loons have but to pull out the muck raker for one more spin around the barn?
September 16th, 2010 @ 11:26 pm
Look, she’s a conservative, she’s a woman and she’s a babe. What other reaction can these loons have but to pull out the muck raker for one more spin around the barn?
September 16th, 2010 @ 11:51 pm
[…] and might just be damaged goods and may just not end up winning. I know that there those who are trying their damnedest to defend her, and man I give them props. But this just might end up being a lost damned […]
September 17th, 2010 @ 4:24 am
In the context of the time she said it, her remarks were entirely truthful as far as the facts were known.
We had no idea then what a jerk Gingrich was in his personal life, and even I had strong doubts about the investigations into Foster’s death – mainly the way they locked down and searched his office and carted away several boxloads of documents before allowing the Capitol Police into it. Now, I still believe there was probably evidence removed which would have embarrassed either the Administration, the Clintons personally, or both, but it didn’t have to mean they were involved with the death itself.
But until Judge Starr investigated, my doubts persisted, because Democrats are all crooks.
First Rasmussen: Coons 53, O’Donnel 42. I suspect much of Coons’ support there is disaffected Castle voters who will come back to the fold in time, so while it is still a long shot, it is doable.
September 17th, 2010 @ 12:24 am
In the context of the time she said it, her remarks were entirely truthful as far as the facts were known.
We had no idea then what a jerk Gingrich was in his personal life, and even I had strong doubts about the investigations into Foster’s death – mainly the way they locked down and searched his office and carted away several boxloads of documents before allowing the Capitol Police into it. Now, I still believe there was probably evidence removed which would have embarrassed either the Administration, the Clintons personally, or both, but it didn’t have to mean they were involved with the death itself.
But until Judge Starr investigated, my doubts persisted, because Democrats are all crooks.
First Rasmussen: Coons 53, O’Donnel 42. I suspect much of Coons’ support there is disaffected Castle voters who will come back to the fold in time, so while it is still a long shot, it is doable.
September 17th, 2010 @ 12:04 pm
Estragon’s reminiscences about the Foster matter parallel my own. The lamestream media, on the other hand, can’t remember the true facts about what it had for breakfast.
September 17th, 2010 @ 8:04 am
Estragon’s reminiscences about the Foster matter parallel my own. The lamestream media, on the other hand, can’t remember the true facts about what it had for breakfast.
September 17th, 2010 @ 12:55 pm
Don’t forget that 42% of Democrats think Bush either caused 9/11 or let it happen, per that Zogby poll. And they say O’Donnell is wacky?
September 17th, 2010 @ 8:55 am
Don’t forget that 42% of Democrats think Bush either caused 9/11 or let it happen, per that Zogby poll. And they say O’Donnell is wacky?
September 17th, 2010 @ 2:56 pm
What always amuses me re:”The Other O’Donnell” is in pondering if she ever paused to consider just how steel and iron girders are made in the first place. I’m guessing she just assumes they are mined – pulled out of the ground in a prefabbed state.
September 17th, 2010 @ 10:56 am
What always amuses me re:”The Other O’Donnell” is in pondering if she ever paused to consider just how steel and iron girders are made in the first place. I’m guessing she just assumes they are mined – pulled out of the ground in a prefabbed state.
September 17th, 2010 @ 11:31 am
[…] Vince Foster was “murdered,” possibly by those in the White House. (A number of people are offering up the “O’Donnell was just asking questions” defense, though she explicitly refers to “the […]
September 17th, 2010 @ 7:53 pm
Does this mean building code requirements to spray steel joists, beams & decks below mezzanines with fire proofing to give the structure a “2 Hour Fire Rating” has nothing to do with safety, but is actually part of the Bush/Cheney 911 cover up?
That means entire industries are based on a lie! I hope to God when the Democrats take over the Internet, subversive sites like this will be gone.
Thanks for clearing that up Rosie.
September 17th, 2010 @ 3:53 pm
Does this mean building code requirements to spray steel joists, beams & decks below mezzanines with fire proofing to give the structure a “2 Hour Fire Rating” has nothing to do with safety, but is actually part of the Bush/Cheney 911 cover up?
That means entire industries are based on a lie! I hope to God when the Democrats take over the Internet, subversive sites like this will be gone.
Thanks for clearing that up Rosie.
September 19th, 2010 @ 9:18 pm
I just have to say it, shouldn’t we be sending more people to DC that DON’T jerk-off?
September 19th, 2010 @ 5:18 pm
I just have to say it, shouldn’t we be sending more people to DC that DON’T jerk-off?
September 20th, 2010 @ 7:39 am
[…] 17: I’d Like to Dedicate This Song . . .Sept 16: O’DONNELLPHOBIA! Sept. 16: BREAKING: Fire Melts Steel, Oswald Killed JFK, Vince Foster Shot HimselfSept. 16: Once Again, Christine O’Donnell Is Right: Coed Dormitories Are a Very Bad IdeaSept. 15: […]