The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Levi Johnston at Teen Choice Awards

“Ricky Hollywood” showed up on the red carpet with singer Brittany Senser, saying he would be appearing in a music video with her. Notice that the “famous for being famous” aspect of celebrity no longer distinguishes between fame and infamy, so that even the World’s Most Notorious Deadbeat Dad is fawned over like royalty. UPDATE: […]

Puberty Is Racist!

A new study finds U.S. girls are reaching puberty at earlier ages: Compared to the 1997 findings from girls across the U.S., girls in the current study – especially white girls – were more developed at a younger age. As previous research has shown, there were also large differences in development based on race. At […]

Things White People Like: Getting Paid Six-Figure Salaries to Expose Raaaaacism

Including $346,000 a year for Morris Dees. Can’t help noticing that even though Heidi Beirich has a Ph.D., she isn’t on the list. “Heck, the SPLC is whiter than a bunch of MSNBC hosts at a Broadview Security commercial burglars’ convention.”

After Two Blog Posts, She Was Contacted by Five Literary Agents and . . .

. . . now has less traffic per month than I get in an average week, and yet is deemed so popular that she’s scheduled to appear later this month on The Today Show. Novelist Theodore Beale is also pissed: I happen to notice that my own little blog appears to have had 208,595 visitors last month, in […]

Every Year in Texas . . .

. . .  the state’s estimated 1.5 million illegal aliens become parents of 60,000 new babies who are automatically U.S. citizens. When Republicans suggest this is a problem, they’re denounced as harboring “a desire to eviscerate the Constitution.” Not only are our borders broken, but our political discourse isn’t exactly functioning smoothly, either. UPDATE: “Scaring white people?”

Top Ten Reasons David Letterman’s Ratings Suck on the Forest Moon of Endor

“Broken-Down Old Man Perving on Zooey Deschanel” really seems to bother Ace of Spades. 

Is This True?

“Even when liberal girls start out pretty, they rapidly end up making hags of themselves. There’s something about being angry and self-righteous all the time that seems to warp a woman’s face as well as her soul.” — Vox Day

Unfortunately, Not an Onion Parody

US court denies parents custody of Hitler and sisters A US appeals court has ruled a couple who gave their children Nazi-inspired names should not regain custody, citing the risk of serious injury to them. Adolf Hitler Campbell, 4, and his sisters, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation, 3, and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie, 2, were taken from their […]

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