Calling Vernon Parker ‘Boy’? Quayle’s Smear Machine Backfires in AZ-3
A dozen candidates are seeking the Republican nomination to replace retiring Rep. John Shadegg in Arizona’s 3rd District, and regular readers know I’m 100% for Vernon Parker. In March, our good friend Barbara Espinosa introduced me to the mayor of Paradise Valley, whose impressive resume is highlighted by the fact that he got his start in politics with the legendary Lee […]
by Smitty Last week’s National Press Club press conference by awesome conservatives who happen to be black was all over the blogs. Read the follow up, though. The press conference revealed an extraordinary truth. My brother who is conservative brought my 83-year-old dad, who’s a staunch Obama supporter, to the press conference. My dad admitted […]
Population Stagnation
“Societies that cannot replace their populations discourage investment and innovation. They have stagnant or shrinking markets for goods and services. With older populations, they resist change. For a country to stabilize its population — discounting immigration — women must have an average of about two children. That’s a ‘fertility rate’ of two. Many countries with […]
HR1586: ‘Legislate In Haste, Amend At Leisure’ Now Making Oscar Wilde
Look Serious
by Smitty Unserious Bluegrass Pundit has us on a merry chase, trying to find out the meaning of HR1586, which was passed : Cato and CNET were on the case: It was supposed to be some routine election-year largesse from Democrats: a $26 billion spending measure to aid two of the party’s core constituencies, labor […]
Wasn’t The Lemonade Sufficient Brew-Ha-Ha?
by Smitty First they came for the adorable daughters selling lemonade. Via BlogProf, the word that Julie Murphy can’t have a lemonade stand made a sweet, sticky splash in the dextrosphere over the weekend. $120 for an asinine ‘temporary restaurant license’? At the posted $0.50 a glass, the unfortunate kid has to give the first […]
Fake Republican, Real Hate: Democrat Tries Moby ‘Racist’ Smear on Rand Paul
moby (n) — An insidious and specialized type of left-wing troll who visits blogs and impersonates a conservative for the purpose of either spreading false rumors intended to sow dissension among conservative voters, or who purposely posts inflammatory and offensive comments for the purpose of discrediting the blog in question. The term is derived from […]
VIDEO: John McCain Admits What Everybody Always Knew: He’s a Liar
A genuinely devastating ad from the Hayworth campaign that even Ace of Spades admits is kinda awesome: What did Crazy Cousin John admit lying about? The Confederate flag. That’s something that no one should tolerate, no matter how you feel about the Confederacy.
Christine O’Donnell Money Bomb!
Got the word via Twitter from Stephen Kruiser: Go contribute to Christine O’Donnell’s campaign now. Remember that every $10 or $20 helps. This post will be stickied at the top of the page until midnight. Below the fold, two new video interviews with O’Donnell and more.
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