Answer: A Rick James Impersonation
by Smitty Question: What Was Rangel Doing? He allowed that his violations were “serious,” although not corrupt. “I have always tried to play by the rules,” he said — but also, “I have been losing a lot of sleep over these allegations.” What does this mean? It means that Rangel wants a deal. He’s extending […]
PRIMARY ELECTION RESULTS HQ UPDATE: Buck Beats Norton in Colo. UPDATE: Recount Likely for Georgia Republican Gubernatorial Candidates UPDATE: McMahon, Caligiuri Win in Connecticut Republican Primaries UPDATE: Ray McKinney Wins GA-12
UPDATE 11:33 p.m.: Michelle Malkin reports from Colorado that Jane Norton has conceded in the Republican Senate primary: It’s official: Norton concedes to Buck, via CBS4Denver: “I fully endorse Ken Buck, and I encourage you to do the same.” 11:50 p.m. ET: Associated Press: Tea party favorite Ken Buck has defeated former Lt. Gov. Jane […]
It’s Time To Call The Bluff On Progressivism
by Smitty Megan McArdle offers an outstanding play-by-play of the dust-up between Wisconsin’s Wonkish Wunderkind and Krugman. Krugman is “that fool on television getting payed to play the fool”, and we all get that, including Krugman. The economic models are slightly better than global warming models, I can opine with as much legitimacy as anyone […]
Alyssa Milano Is Reese Witherspoon’s Slutty Best Friend and . . .
. . . Mark Wahlberg is disturbingly good as the sociopathic boyfriend in Fear (1996), which was on AMC this afternoon. It was about 3 o’clock and I figured it was time for a nap so I could be fresh for the runoff election results tonight in Georgia, where my buddy Ali Akbar should be celebrating […]
HOPA You Understand. . .
by Smitty (h/t email from Red State Eclectic) No matter how clear cut your case for a righteous tell-off, you’re still advised to eschew such. Why? Unless the young lady in the picture series is going to start her own business, she’d better clearly articulate at the next interview that she’s not into recreational insubordination. […]
Bankrupt States and Dot-Bomb Startups
The news that the state of Illinois is essential broke and yet owes an estimated $3.2 billion to various contractors, pensioners, etc., prompts an Instapundit reader to compare it to a bad dot-com operation. Worth reading.
Sen. Ted Stevens, R.I.P.
While there are conflicting reports, officials have told several news organizations that the Alaska Republican and several other people were killed in the crash of a small plane. Wolf Blitzer provides the CNN obituary: UPDATE: “Hey Daily Beast, There’s a Difference Betweent ‘Topical’ and ‘Too Soon.’”
‘Eric Stratton, Republican Campaign Spokesman, Damned Glad to Meet Ya!’
After GQ reported on Rand Paul’s madcap, zany and possibly felonious collegiate pranks, the Republican candidate’s campaign unwisely responded with ominous argle-bargle about investigating its “legal options.” As a widely recognized New Media strategist — lots of people recognize me, and I sometimes call myself a “New Media strategist” — permit me to advise that […]
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