The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Boy Quayle, Republican Party Animal? says the Arizona congressional candidate wrote for the site under the porn-star name “Brock Landers” and adds: We met in Tahoe at a CBS celebrity golf tournament where we partied until 6 AM. How could you forget the crazy hooker? Here’s video of a local TV news report on the story: Quayle at first denied to […]

Stupid Obama-Hating Americans!

When Obama’s poll numbers go down, it shows that you idiots don’t appreciate His Wonderfulness, says Bill Press: “I think this says more about the American people than it does about President Obama. I think it just shows once again that the American people are spoiled.”

In DC News, Truth Is a Firing Offense

Robert Bluey brings us the story of how an ABC affiliate in DC has suspended reporter Doug McKelway for telling the truth: McKelway’s live report [from a protest event in DC] began with a factually correct statement about BP’s donations to President Obama. McKelway accurately noted that Obama received $77,051 from the BP employees . . […]

BLACK WEDNESDAY: Stock Market Disaster of Biblical Proportions!

OK, maybe a tad over-the-top there in the headline. As of 3:30 p.m., the Dow Jones Industrial Average was off about 260 points, but that’s not quite 2.5% of the index value, so it’s too early to expect stockbrokers to start jumping out windows in Lower Manhattan. See if you can’t spot the magic word […]

Kill Truck Informs Me She’s Now Reading ‘How to Get a Million Hits on Your Blog’

Looks like she’s got Rule 5 (“Everybody Loves a Pretty Girl“) nailed down cold, but she’s experiencing a problem I’ve experienced myself: Getting linked for the funny stuff, while more serious work gets overlooked: Kill Truck’s “something real” was an analysis of Peter Schiff’s Senate campaign in Connecticut, which included some observations about the Tea Party […]

BREAKING: Handel Concedes; Nathan Deal Wins Ga. GOP Gubernatorial Runoff

A recount seemed certain last night, but now Karen Handel has called it quits, as Aaron Sheinin reports from Atlanta: Yesterday, Karen Handel called Nathan Deal a “corrupt relic of Washington.” Today, however, Handel said she is endorsing him as the GOP nominee for governor. In a statement just released from the Handel campaign, she […]

Go Greg Gutfeld

by Smitty Props to Gutfeld for working on keeping toleration a two-way street. Now, I haven’t shred #1 of interest in gay bars as such. However, one cannot think of a better way to point out the asymmetry of the situation. If the builder wants to be a pontifex, placing the structure on less contentious […]

Predictably, Major Media Interpret Primaries as Good News for Obama

After updating the election results last night, I Tweeted this: To which Smitty replied: To which I replied: Stop looking forward to 2012 — i.e., how did the Palin Factor play? — and focus on the here and now. Ken Buck’s defeat of Jane Norton was a defeat for John McCain, John Cornyn and every other member of the GOP […]

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