The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Conspicuously Absent Words

by Smitty Reading Lefties can be a source of sad amusement. Curtis Valentine at PuffHo has a piece trying to find the ointment on the economic fly. Here is a bit of introductory text for flavor: Over the past twenty-five years, the exorbitant increase in the American standard of living has had an inverse affect […]

Ron Miller Question And Answer Part 2

by Smitty Last Wednesday, I took in the Ron Miller party for “Sellout”. The man has a great, pro-American story, and now we’re enjoying the Q&A portion of the evening. The last clip is going to hurt a few people in their business model. Growing up in an apolitical family An interestig Condi Rice fact. […]

Ladd Ehlinger Jr. Goes Hollywood

My latest column at The American Spectator: HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — On a sound stage near Santa Monica Boulevard, actress Valerie Novak flubs a line and director Ladd Ehlinger Jr. asks her to repeat it. “And — action!” Novak nails the line this time and continues with her dramatic monologue when the director’s cell phone rings, […]

Ground Zero Mosque As An Election Issue

by Smitty (h/t Libertarian Republican) John Gomez floats the obvious question: He has Sarah Palin’s endorsement. I’m all for seeing ecumenical centers at all sorts of hallowed sites, like Mecca, Medina, and Ground Zero. Because if ‘tolerance’ and ‘sensitivity’ are not omni-directional, then they may just be cheap talking points proffered by the nefarious. On […]

Toomey GOP Weekly Address: C+

by Smitty Toomey speaks clearly and plainly. As a relative new guy, he’s beholden to the party line: Democrats are irresponsible. The complaint seems more one of style than substance, however. I can’t foresee any long-term improvement until a more Tea Party attitude of limited, Constitutional, Federalist government takes hold. This Democrat-lite talk is rather […]

Big Furt Hat Boils Keynesian Economics Down To A Graphic

by Smitty Simplicity is a treasure. Sure, you can trundle over to The Classic Liberal for a more full treatment, but BFH deploys Mr. BFD to devastating effect: While we need to have a detailed refutation on hand for serious discussion, the straight-ahead, crayon-level belly laugh is also crucial. Thanks, Big Fur Hat! Update, via […]

Fear and Loathing in Hollywood

HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — I’m at a sound stage near Santa Monica Boulevard where Ladd Ehlinger Jr. is directing his latest series of political ads. There is something of an embargo about the exact nature of the production, and I’m on deadline for The American Spectator, so I can’t give you the full story now. However, […]

Piece Of Work In Progress Is On The
Road Again

by Smitty He’s collecting Road to Damascus moments, when people realized that all or, in my case, some, of their political naivete, and move over to pursuing liberty. The reference, of course is to Saul meeting the Christ while en route Damascus to persecute Christians. The sheer number of these Left=>Right conversions might be an […]

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