The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Yet Another New Testament Hijacking

by Smitty Frank Schaeffer, “a survivor of both polio and an evangelical/ fundamentalist childhood” in the PuffHo, in a post entitled At Last [A] Book That Asks: What Would Jesus Do About “Illegal” Immigrants? concerning the recent release: Neighbor: Christian Encounters With ‘Illegal’ Immigration by Ben Daniels. FS opines: Using a blend of travel narrative, […]

The Blogging Equivalent Of Being Whisked Off To The Cornfield

by Smitty #UPDATE `wp_v90w4bv0ym_comments` SET `comment_approved` = 0 WHERE comment_author=’gg’; #522 row(s) affected. ( Query took 0.1370 sec ) So, that was a trifle drastic. I had hoped an earlier comment hint I left about opening his own shop on Blogger would have been enough. Then there was this email from Stacy: GG has just […]

VIDEO: Ronald Reagan Still Kicks Butt

Ace is right. This is 31 flavors of pure awesomeness:

‘Basically, There’s No Hardcore Ravaging of Women in Novels Anymore. And That’s a Bad Thing.’

Hey, don’t blame me — somebody at GQ said that. I’m just quoting it because I saw it linked at Protein Wisdom. So it’s not like I am making the argument that women ought to be ravaged, hard-core or otherwise. At least not in novels. One reason I’ve never tried to write a novel is because, sooner or later, […]

Great: Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi Have Screwed Up My Last Day in L.A.

WOODLAND HILLS, Calif. — My plans were all set: I’d drop by Pamela Geller’s 7 p.m. event on Sepulveda Boulevard, get some quick pictures, jump in the rental car, hustle down to LAX and return the car, and still leave myself plenty of time to catch the red-eye flight back home. What could possibly go wrong? […]

What Do You Mean, ‘WE’?

by Smitty In the post on the GZM as an election issue, I had said: “I’m all for seeing ecumenical centers at all sorts of hallowed sites, like Mecca, Medina, and Ground Zero. Because if ‘tolerance’ and ’sensitivity’ are not omni-directional, then they may just be cheap talking points proffered by the nefarious.” And our […]

Obama’s Propaganda Machine

Rep. Darrell Issa’s office has issued a new report on how the Obama administration is using taxpayer dollars to promote a political agenda. Jonathan Strong of Daily Caller writes: One of the Obama administration’s more expensive “propaganda” efforts, according to the report, was a television commercial boosting the then-newly passed health care law. The advertisement […]

Congratulations, Pamela Geller!

The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America just went into its second printing, Pamela told me last night in a phone conversation.  Geller is in Los Angeles to speak tonight (7 p.m.) with Robert Spencer at the Skirball Cultural Center in an event co-sponsored by Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors and the David Horowitz Freedom […]

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