WikiLeaks Founder Reportedly Charged With Rape, Media Suggest U.S. ‘Smear’ UPDATE: Police Withdraw Charges?
Swedish tabloid Expressen reports that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been charged with raping two women in Stockholm. No details of the alleged crime are available, but a very rough Google translation of the Expressen report indicates that the two women who made the accusations are in their 20s. Australian-born Assange is 39. WikiLeaks made headlines last month by releasing […]
This Is A Christian Act How, Exactly?
by Smitty Via Gateway Pundit, there is word that The Dove World Outreach Center in Florida plans to burn some Korans. That is as bent an idea as anything the Fred Phelps flock is doing. Followers of Christ near and far should consider denouncing this evil provocation. For starters, this blog thinks that The Dove […]
Ann Coulter on GZM: ‘It’s Like We’ve Designed a Pompous Douchebag Trap’
“Look, it’s Keith Olbermann!” BTW, Ace of Spades pulled out the flaming skull for the revelation that the imam at the Lower Manhattan Islamic Community Center That the Associated Press Won’t Call the “Ground Zero Mosque” Anymore has said some stuff that isn’t exactly moderate. UPDATE: Just so you know what she’s referring to, it […]
More News on
Wednesday, I blogged about the launch of, which will officially go live Sept. 1. David Catanese reports at Politico: A new conservative group created to harness the energy of the tea party into a national financial force has set a lofty goal for itself: match or eclipse the influence of in campaigns across […]
DNC Tries to Flush Anti-Bush Ad Down YouTube Memory Hole: FAIL!
The Democratic National Committee put out a TV ad blaming Bush for the “Republican policies that got us into this mess,” which caused a big stir today on the blogosphere. This evening however — no doubt embarrassed by the transparent desperation of their blame-Bush message — the DNC changed the setting on the YouTube channel […]
VIDEO: How to Report the News
Apologies if you’ve seen this before. I hadn’t. Update (Smitty): There is a massive cheap shot at RSM that one could take here, but, rather than take it, I’ll instead hoist some vanilla pudding at him. Cheers, Stacy!
One Wonders If Salon Is Beamed From Another Planet
by Smitty Elon James White, “Defending Park51, attacking Dr. Laura“: The common thread between condemning Dr. Laura and defending Park51 is the idea that the persecuted should be protected. Dr. Laura, in my opinion, should release a record of gangsta rap covers, so that she can use the word which sorts between ‘bigger’ and ‘rigger’ […]
The Internet: The Elites’ Least Favorite Suppository
by Smitty Our favorite Limey, Daniel Hannan notes the following, emphasis mine: The Internet, as Douglas Carswell argues, is ironing out a kink in our cultural and political alignment, whereby a small elite artificially reoriented our foreign policy, our trade and even our news cycle away from our old alliances and towards Europe. That’s the […]
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