The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Conservatism 101:
Never Let Your Enemies Tell You Who Your Friends Should Be

Posted on | July 19, 2010 | 40 Comments

Conservative Republicans seeking political advice should not take it from a liberal Democrat like Jonathan Chait:

You don’t have to love Sue Lowden to understand that a 90% chance of Lowden winning is better than a 20% chance of Sharron Angle winning. Nor is there any recognition on the right that conservatives paved the way for health care reform by driving Specter out. In conservative lore, the Pat Toomey primary challenge remains a glorious triumph, when in fact it’s a disaster of historic proportions.

You can read the whole thing, but not without minding this important caveat: Jonathan Chait doesn’t want Republicans to win.

If Lowden had won the Nevada GOP primary, Chait would be busy-beavering arguments intended to help Harry Reid defeat Lowden. If Specter had stayed in the GOP and defeated Toomey in the primary, Chait would now be offering arguments to help Joe Sestak defeat Specter in November (as, in fact, the New Republic did throughout the Democratic primary).

Long ago — in February 2009, when the Tea Party movement was just being born — I explained this fundamental issue:

Among the ill effects of liberal bias in the media is that much political “news” amounts to thinly disguised DNC talking-points. The conservative must learn to think critically about news and politics, to filter out that which is misleading, or else he will internalize the funhouse-mirror distortions of reality that define the liberal weltanschauung. . . .
[O]ne of the major problems of the Republican Party, that so many of its supporters have unwittingly accepted liberal beliefs as political truths. . . .

The GIGO principle (Garbage In, Garbage Out) is as applicable to political discourse as to any other information system. If you let liberals like Chait tell you which Republican candidates you should support, you will never support any Republican candidate — except in a GOP primary, when liberals will invariably tell you to support the most liberal candidate on the ballot. As soon as the primary is over, however, your liberal friends will then return to their usual arguments of why you should vote Democrat. Sic semper hoc.

It may well be, as a source tells Ben Smith, that the Nevada GOP primary was a “total f*** up by the state and national Republicans” — Never underestimate the incompetence of the Republican establishment being another basic lesson of Conservatism 101 — but that is neither here nor there as to the task at hand, namely, defeating Harry Reid.

Chait and his friends are trying to do what liberals in the media always do, shape Conventional Wisdom to their own advantage.

“Sharron Angle Can’t Win” is the Meme-O’-Th’-Day, and liberals are going to pound it as hard and as long as they can. Why? Because they know that a lot of Republicans base their political decisions on Conventional Wisdom so that, by promoting this Angle-Is-Doomed message, liberals will erode support for Harry Reid’s opponent — especially from the Dumb and Rich Coalition who comprise the GOP’s big-money donors.

Sharron Angle can win, and should win, and will win, so long as the conservative grassroots don’t allow themselves to be bamboozled into believing the liberal Conventional Wisdom. 

Obviously, you can’t expect the Dumb and Rich to write any fat checks to make that happen, so it’s up to the grassroots to give those small donations — $10, $20, $50 — that will add up to match the millions Harry Reid gets from his Democratic fat-cat friends.



40 Responses to “Conservatism 101:
Never Let Your Enemies Tell You Who Your Friends Should Be

  1. Conservatism 101: Never Let Your Enemies Tell You Who Your Friends Should Be : The Other McCain « Blog Entry « Dr. Melissa Clouthier
    July 19th, 2010 @ 11:40 am

    […] Conservatism 101: Never Let Your Enemies Tell You Who Your Friends Should Be : The Other McCain July 19, 2010 / 10:40 am • By Dr. Melissa Clouthier… […]

  2. Ben (The Tiger)
    July 19th, 2010 @ 3:41 pm

    I’d say that Chait’s entirely wrong — this is the year that candidates like Angle certainly can win.

    I learned my lesson in 2008 about listening to moderates or liberals.

    Moderates are confused, and liberals are malevolent.

  3. Ben (The Tiger)
    July 19th, 2010 @ 11:41 am

    I’d say that Chait’s entirely wrong — this is the year that candidates like Angle certainly can win.

    I learned my lesson in 2008 about listening to moderates or liberals.

    Moderates are confused, and liberals are malevolent.

  4. Ben (The Tiger)
    July 19th, 2010 @ 3:56 pm

    And Pat Toomey’s a disaster?!

    Toomey’s a razor sharp guy who is the best I’ve seen on talking about economics to a mixed audience since, oh, the 1980s:

  5. Ben (The Tiger)
    July 19th, 2010 @ 11:56 am

    And Pat Toomey’s a disaster?!

    Toomey’s a razor sharp guy who is the best I’ve seen on talking about economics to a mixed audience since, oh, the 1980s:

  6. THE OTHER MCCAIN: Never Let Your Enemies Tell You Who Your Friends Should Be | The Right Sphere - Conservative Blogs, Columnists, News and Opinion
    July 19th, 2010 @ 12:05 pm

    […] I’ll admit I nearly caved to the “Sharron Angle Can’t Win” meme. It’s been beat into our heads now, it became hard to resist. But it’s a political game that weeks ago they were playing with Reid. Amplify’d from […]

  7. I’ll Take a Jim DeMint Disciple Over a Trent Lott Disciple Any Day :: The Lonely Conservative
    July 19th, 2010 @ 12:17 pm

    […] McCain points out that conservatives must stop allowing our enemies tell us who we should support. For decades we’ve allowed liberals to choose our candidates for us. Think back to the 2008 […]

  8. Republicans Must Not Let Democrats Choose Which Republican Candidates to Run « Beagle Scout
    July 19th, 2010 @ 12:54 pm

    […] The Other McCain has a more measured approach on the issue than I can muster at this time. However, I would add one thing. If the Republican Party does not institute closed primaries the McMaverick disaster will happen again. Amplify’d from […]

  9. The Monster
    July 19th, 2010 @ 5:06 pm

    …in a GOP primary, when liberals will invariably tell you to support the most liberal candidate on the ballot. As soon as the primary is over, however, your liberal friends will then return to their usual arguments of why you should vote Democrat

    Their treatment of your distant cousin should serve as the perfect demonstration.

  10. The Monster
    July 19th, 2010 @ 1:06 pm

    …in a GOP primary, when liberals will invariably tell you to support the most liberal candidate on the ballot. As soon as the primary is over, however, your liberal friends will then return to their usual arguments of why you should vote Democrat

    Their treatment of your distant cousin should serve as the perfect demonstration.

  11. Dave C
    July 19th, 2010 @ 5:35 pm

    What is it about Liberals and their love for blackface?

    Ted Danson went blackface with Whoopi..

    Ned Lamont’s campaign gave Joe Lieberman the blackface treatment on campaign signs..

    Projection.. more than likely.

  12. Dave C
    July 19th, 2010 @ 1:35 pm

    What is it about Liberals and their love for blackface?

    Ted Danson went blackface with Whoopi..

    Ned Lamont’s campaign gave Joe Lieberman the blackface treatment on campaign signs..

    Projection.. more than likely.

  13. The War Planner
    July 19th, 2010 @ 5:36 pm

    “Conservatism 101: Never Let Your Enemies Tell You Who Your Friends Should Be”

    ..this is rather intuitive, isn’t it?

  14. The War Planner
    July 19th, 2010 @ 1:36 pm

    “Conservatism 101: Never Let Your Enemies Tell You Who Your Friends Should Be”

    ..this is rather intuitive, isn’t it?

  15. John S
    July 19th, 2010 @ 5:58 pm

    If you need proof of this phenomenon (and how it goes both ways), look to none other than Rush Limbaugh. Pennsylvania. Hillary.


  16. John S
    July 19th, 2010 @ 1:58 pm

    If you need proof of this phenomenon (and how it goes both ways), look to none other than Rush Limbaugh. Pennsylvania. Hillary.


  17. Sic Semper Fossor* « The Camp Of The Saints
    July 19th, 2010 @ 2:40 pm

    […] over at The Other McCain, Stacy McCain looks at one of the most blatant and destructive manifestations of Leftist thinking that is crippling the Right and the GOP: [Jonathan] Chait and his friends are […]

  18. kansas
    July 19th, 2010 @ 7:05 pm

    If I were Angle my campaign slogan would be, “If you like what Harry Reid has done to you then vote for him. If not, vote for me.”

  19. kansas
    July 19th, 2010 @ 3:05 pm

    If I were Angle my campaign slogan would be, “If you like what Harry Reid has done to you then vote for him. If not, vote for me.”

  20. Estragon
    July 19th, 2010 @ 7:08 pm

    Perhaps the greater question should be, “Who the heck is stupid enough to waste their time reading Chait, much less believing anything he says?”

    There is nothing there of any value, and never has been. So the first problem is to stop spreading the baloney put out by these small-exposure leftist rags. I guarantee more people will read Chait as a result of conservative reaction to his idiocy than would have ever bothered, had we only been able to just let it be.

    Leftist hacks are best dealt with in the same manner as comment trolls: ignore them completely.

  21. Estragon
    July 19th, 2010 @ 3:08 pm

    Perhaps the greater question should be, “Who the heck is stupid enough to waste their time reading Chait, much less believing anything he says?”

    There is nothing there of any value, and never has been. So the first problem is to stop spreading the baloney put out by these small-exposure leftist rags. I guarantee more people will read Chait as a result of conservative reaction to his idiocy than would have ever bothered, had we only been able to just let it be.

    Leftist hacks are best dealt with in the same manner as comment trolls: ignore them completely.

  22. The Enemy Within « Obi’s Sister
    July 19th, 2010 @ 3:40 pm

    […] In fact it’s so important, he’s clearing his schedule. And his campaign? In his mind, it’s already won, so it doesn’t require any more of his energy. He must serve The […]

  23. GOP leadership: too busy measuring drapes to plan agenda of REPEAL IT ALL « Politicaljunkie Mom
    July 19th, 2010 @ 3:42 pm

    […] a side-note, Stacy McCain reminds us why we shouldn’t allow liberals to choose our candidates.  The same could be said […]

  24. Jeff Weimer
    July 19th, 2010 @ 8:03 pm

    @gg – I like conservatives on defense for a change.

    For a change? Where were you in 2006 and 2008? We’ve only got a wind at our back because your heroes can’t lead produce out of a grocery bag.

    Our problem is, can we get the right people in the right positions to turn the ship of state and, incidentally, keep that wind behind us? The recent history of GOP controlled congresses doesn’t give me a warm fuzzy feeling.

    The GOP’s only saving grace, and the only reason we prefer them, is that they can be reasoned with, unlike the Democrats.

    And no, we won’t do any of that sackcloth and ashes. You wouldn’t do it if Reid wins. And we know it’s a heavy lift to beat him. That doesn’t stop us from trying – which I think is your (and Chait’s) goal.

  25. Jeff Weimer
    July 19th, 2010 @ 4:03 pm

    @gg – I like conservatives on defense for a change.

    For a change? Where were you in 2006 and 2008? We’ve only got a wind at our back because your heroes can’t lead produce out of a grocery bag.

    Our problem is, can we get the right people in the right positions to turn the ship of state and, incidentally, keep that wind behind us? The recent history of GOP controlled congresses doesn’t give me a warm fuzzy feeling.

    The GOP’s only saving grace, and the only reason we prefer them, is that they can be reasoned with, unlike the Democrats.

    And no, we won’t do any of that sackcloth and ashes. You wouldn’t do it if Reid wins. And we know it’s a heavy lift to beat him. That doesn’t stop us from trying – which I think is your (and Chait’s) goal.

  26. wombat-socho
    July 19th, 2010 @ 8:28 pm

    Jeff: please don’t feed the troll. It only encourages her, you know.

  27. wombat-socho
    July 19th, 2010 @ 4:28 pm

    Jeff: please don’t feed the troll. It only encourages her, you know.

  28. Aruges
    July 19th, 2010 @ 11:10 pm

    I find it interesting that we never here what the Angle campaign has to say bout their circumstances, just outside observers. Are they really inept? I’d like to see an honest evaluation of her organization. What’s their plan? Did they expect the onslaught from Reid? (they had to, right?) What’s their planned response? When are they going to roll out the ads? How much money do they think they need?

    The answers to these questions would give me a better sense of her viability.

  29. Aruges
    July 19th, 2010 @ 7:10 pm

    I find it interesting that we never here what the Angle campaign has to say bout their circumstances, just outside observers. Are they really inept? I’d like to see an honest evaluation of her organization. What’s their plan? Did they expect the onslaught from Reid? (they had to, right?) What’s their planned response? When are they going to roll out the ads? How much money do they think they need?

    The answers to these questions would give me a better sense of her viability.

  30. Ira
    July 19th, 2010 @ 7:33 pm

    hey, do you remember Dem bigshot Rep Vic Fazio urging Repubs before the 1994 elections to stay way from the anti-abortion crowd? do you remember Rep Vic Fazio? Is it any wonder that the MSM was pushing for John McCain to be the Repub Pres candidate in 2000 and 2008?

  31. Ira
    July 19th, 2010 @ 11:33 pm

    hey, do you remember Dem bigshot Rep Vic Fazio urging Repubs before the 1994 elections to stay way from the anti-abortion crowd? do you remember Rep Vic Fazio? Is it any wonder that the MSM was pushing for John McCain to be the Repub Pres candidate in 2000 and 2008?

  32. Roy Jacobsen
    July 20th, 2010 @ 12:16 am

    “Conservatism 101: Never Let Your Enemies Tell You Who Your Friends Should Be”

    Actually, the WILL tell you who your friends should be: The people they denigrate, disparage, and demonize–and therefore fear–the most. At the very least, those are the people you should start paying attention to.

  33. Roy Jacobsen
    July 19th, 2010 @ 8:16 pm

    “Conservatism 101: Never Let Your Enemies Tell You Who Your Friends Should Be”

    Actually, the WILL tell you who your friends should be: The people they denigrate, disparage, and demonize–and therefore fear–the most. At the very least, those are the people you should start paying attention to.

  34. Jeff Weimer
    July 20th, 2010 @ 4:09 am

    gg – I’m glad you agree with me, because the democrats don’t want to be reasoned with, they want followers like you, who will follow the party line rather than question it.

    We could go on about the finer points of all three absurdities you cite, but you’d lose. Mostly because the first surprisingly works in concert with more secular aims, the second is a bit fringe – but that never stops you from lumping the rest of us in it anyway, and the third – have you even HEARD about climategate? I mean, clinging to the hockey stick? Now THAT’S faith-based.

  35. Jeff Weimer
    July 20th, 2010 @ 12:09 am

    gg – I’m glad you agree with me, because the democrats don’t want to be reasoned with, they want followers like you, who will follow the party line rather than question it.

    We could go on about the finer points of all three absurdities you cite, but you’d lose. Mostly because the first surprisingly works in concert with more secular aims, the second is a bit fringe – but that never stops you from lumping the rest of us in it anyway, and the third – have you even HEARD about climategate? I mean, clinging to the hockey stick? Now THAT’S faith-based.

  36. Virginia Right! News Hound for 7/20/2010 | Virginia Right!
    July 20th, 2010 @ 6:51 am

    […] Conservatism 101: Never Let Your Enemies Tell You Who Your Friends Should Be […]

  37. Virginia Right! News Hound for 7/20/2010 | PBX – The Political Blog Exchange
    July 20th, 2010 @ 8:04 am

    […] Conservatism 101: Never Let Your Enemies Tell You Who Your Friends Should Be […]

  38. Tennwriter
    July 20th, 2010 @ 2:16 pm

    Like Zell Miller and Joe Lieberman, gg? Like Instapundit who supported Al Gore a ways back, but is now a ‘right-winger’?

    Purity tests are for the Left.

    On the Right, just bring your Conservatism to the Party, but leave your unconservative ideas at home. If you’re a wimpy fiscon, or a national greatness conservative, we still can use that part of you that is conservative, but don’t object when the cafe’ serves up Values Stew, Economy Soup, and Smoking Hot Defense Chili. You eat what you like, just don’t tell the chef to make a new meal for you.

  39. Tennwriter
    July 20th, 2010 @ 10:16 am

    Like Zell Miller and Joe Lieberman, gg? Like Instapundit who supported Al Gore a ways back, but is now a ‘right-winger’?

    Purity tests are for the Left.

    On the Right, just bring your Conservatism to the Party, but leave your unconservative ideas at home. If you’re a wimpy fiscon, or a national greatness conservative, we still can use that part of you that is conservative, but don’t object when the cafe’ serves up Values Stew, Economy Soup, and Smoking Hot Defense Chili. You eat what you like, just don’t tell the chef to make a new meal for you.

  40. Cassy Fiano
    July 20th, 2010 @ 12:00 pm

    […] The Other McCain Never let your enemies tell you who your friends should be […]