The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Recommended Reading From Top Hayekian Public Intellectuals

Posted on | June 29, 2010 | 4 Comments

Since being named a “Top Hayekian Public Intellectual” in April 2009 — we have a secret handshake and meet in a treehouse behind Thomas Sowell’s garage — I’ve striven to uphold the honor of the Nobel Prize-winning Austrian School economist.

A devotion to “spontaneous order” means that admission to our ranks is open to all, and Greg Ransom at the Hayek Center offers a list of recommended readings for would-be Hayekians:

Glenn Reynolds, Stacy McCain and Dr. Helen Smith have been recommending Hayek’s The Mirage of Social Justice (Law, Legislation & Liberty, Vol. 2).   McCain calls the book, “One of the finest treatises Hayek ever wrote.”

If Ransom’s list was intended as ‘Lanche-bait — I was a hard-boiled cynic long before I became a Hayekian — allow me to suggest that the proper method is to invoke “Professor Glenn Reynolds.”

Perhaps not quite as sure-fire as “Cthulhu,” but . . .


4 Responses to “Recommended Reading From Top Hayekian Public Intellectuals”

  1. Roxeanne de Luca
    June 29th, 2010 @ 10:55 am

    No mention of anyone who blogs at the Volokh Conspiracy?! That’s where I first heard of Hayek. 🙁

  2. Cameroonian
    June 29th, 2010 @ 6:11 pm

    Hayek was a giant.

    I’ll never forget my first Swatch.