The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Dan Riehl to Will Folks: ‘How Would You Like to Become the Next Jesse Griffin?’

Posted on | May 29, 2010 | 32 Comments

Readers who fondly remember the takedown of anti-Palin blogger Jesse “Gryphen” Griffin will want to pay close attention to Riehl World View next week, because Dan Riehl isn’t a guy who makes idle threats:

Nikki Haley can speak for herself. . . . Meanwhile, the voters of SC seem to want more substance and less BS with the debates coming up. But if Folks wants to keep pushing BS, when it comes to blogging, I believe turn-about is fair play and one fights fire with fire out here. So, I agree with Erick Erickson, if Will Folks wants his 15 minutes of infamy, maybe he should get it – and more.

Maybe Will Folks has nothing to hide. But if he does . . . well, let’s wait and see. If anybody in South Carolina knows any dirt about Will Folks, just e-mail Dan Riehl. (Serious stuff only — no Nigerian oil ministers, Russian dating services or “herbal Viagra.”)

Speaking of Erick Erickson, he’s still catching grief from disappointed Red State readers. He’s apologized, but some of those Red Staters just won’t cut him a break.

Maybe Erick should send his digruntled readers a thoughtful greeting card — speaking of which, Charleston (S.C.) Post and Courier columnist Brian Hicks is predicting the future of the Will Folks saga:

SEPT. 8, 2010: Today political blogger and former Sanford spokesman Will Folks released a Hallmark get-well card he received from Republican gubernatorial nominee Nikki Haley in 2007.
Folks said it is proof that she “cared enough to send the very best.”
Haley’s campaign could not be distracted for comment.

Somehow I don’t think Will Folks will be getting too many “best wishes” cards from Republicans in the future. Restraining orders, perhaps, but not “best wishes” . . .


32 Responses to “Dan Riehl to Will Folks: ‘How Would You Like to Become the Next Jesse Griffin?’”

  1. FenelonSpoke
    May 29th, 2010 @ 3:25 pm

    If I had had affairs with everyone I had sent Hallmark Get well cards too, I would have had a much more active and exciting sex life-including both genders and wide variety of ages. If it had gotten out, I would have rightly been brought up on ethics charges for my profession faster than I could say, “So long to my profession.” This is supposed to constitute proof?!! Folks sounds like more of a nutcase attention hound by the day.

  2. FenelonSpoke
    May 29th, 2010 @ 3:25 pm

    If I had had affairs with everyone I had sent Hallmark Get well cards too, I would have had a much more active and exciting sex life-including both genders and wide variety of ages. If it had gotten out, I would have rightly been brought up on ethics charges for my profession faster than I could say, “So long to my profession.” This is supposed to constitute proof?!! Folks sounds like more of a nutcase attention hound by the day.

  3. FenelonSpoke
    May 29th, 2010 @ 10:25 am

    If I had had affairs with everyone I had sent Hallmark Get well cards too, I would have had a much more active and exciting sex life-including both genders and wide variety of ages. If it had gotten out, I would have rightly been brought up on ethics charges for my profession faster than I could say, “So long to my profession.” This is supposed to constitute proof?!! Folks sounds like more of a nutcase attention hound by the day.

  4. FenelonSpoke
    May 29th, 2010 @ 3:27 pm

    Whoops; I read too fast. I thought Folks actually HAD said that rather than that it was a prediction for the future. Sounds like a quite plausible scenario for a future action, however.

  5. FenelonSpoke
    May 29th, 2010 @ 3:27 pm

    Whoops; I read too fast. I thought Folks actually HAD said that rather than that it was a prediction for the future. Sounds like a quite plausible scenario for a future action, however.

  6. FenelonSpoke
    May 29th, 2010 @ 10:27 am

    Whoops; I read too fast. I thought Folks actually HAD said that rather than that it was a prediction for the future. Sounds like a quite plausible scenario for a future action, however.

  7. Tryptic
    May 29th, 2010 @ 3:55 pm

    Erick Erickson never truly apologized. He lied to his readers … shame on him. He then exarcerbated the lie by claiming it had been satire all along … more shame on him.

    His co-bloggers at RedState don’t seem to care … shame on them too.

    I pointed out that unethical conduct is unethical conduct no matter how Erickson (or his fan-boys) spin it. Apparently, a la Mad King Charles Johnson, that’s enough to get you banned at RS.

    So I hold myself in elite company. Without ever having used one word of profanity, and merely by pointing out the foolishness of the lead dog, I’ve been banned at LGF (for being a rightwing freak) and at RS (for not being a rightwing freak, it seems) …

    So, in the immortal words of Bill Murray (as Carl Spackler), Gunga galunga… gunga, gunga-lagunga

  8. Tryptic
    May 29th, 2010 @ 3:55 pm

    Erick Erickson never truly apologized. He lied to his readers … shame on him. He then exarcerbated the lie by claiming it had been satire all along … more shame on him.

    His co-bloggers at RedState don’t seem to care … shame on them too.

    I pointed out that unethical conduct is unethical conduct no matter how Erickson (or his fan-boys) spin it. Apparently, a la Mad King Charles Johnson, that’s enough to get you banned at RS.

    So I hold myself in elite company. Without ever having used one word of profanity, and merely by pointing out the foolishness of the lead dog, I’ve been banned at LGF (for being a rightwing freak) and at RS (for not being a rightwing freak, it seems) …

    So, in the immortal words of Bill Murray (as Carl Spackler), Gunga galunga… gunga, gunga-lagunga

  9. Tryptic
    May 29th, 2010 @ 10:55 am

    Erick Erickson never truly apologized. He lied to his readers … shame on him. He then exarcerbated the lie by claiming it had been satire all along … more shame on him.

    His co-bloggers at RedState don’t seem to care … shame on them too.

    I pointed out that unethical conduct is unethical conduct no matter how Erickson (or his fan-boys) spin it. Apparently, a la Mad King Charles Johnson, that’s enough to get you banned at RS.

    So I hold myself in elite company. Without ever having used one word of profanity, and merely by pointing out the foolishness of the lead dog, I’ve been banned at LGF (for being a rightwing freak) and at RS (for not being a rightwing freak, it seems) …

    So, in the immortal words of Bill Murray (as Carl Spackler), Gunga galunga… gunga, gunga-lagunga

  10. Will Folks
    May 29th, 2010 @ 4:01 pm

    This is me, last night. Reality is setting in.

  11. Will Folks
    May 29th, 2010 @ 4:01 pm

    This is me, last night. Reality is setting in.

  12. Will Folks
    May 29th, 2010 @ 11:01 am

    This is me, last night. Reality is setting in.

  13. hrh
    May 29th, 2010 @ 4:31 pm

    Unfortunately, the takedown of Griffin was nice on the internets.

    But he’s still operating his site. Still spreading smears about Palin.

    Still befriending stalker/creep authors like McGinnis.

    And will probably soon be a guest at McGinnis’s new digs next door to the Palins.

    Where he can get more info for his smearing blog …

  14. hrh
    May 29th, 2010 @ 4:31 pm

    Unfortunately, the takedown of Griffin was nice on the internets.

    But he’s still operating his site. Still spreading smears about Palin.

    Still befriending stalker/creep authors like McGinnis.

    And will probably soon be a guest at McGinnis’s new digs next door to the Palins.

    Where he can get more info for his smearing blog …

  15. hrh
    May 29th, 2010 @ 11:31 am

    Unfortunately, the takedown of Griffin was nice on the internets.

    But he’s still operating his site. Still spreading smears about Palin.

    Still befriending stalker/creep authors like McGinnis.

    And will probably soon be a guest at McGinnis’s new digs next door to the Palins.

    Where he can get more info for his smearing blog …

  16. Will Folks
    May 29th, 2010 @ 4:41 pm

    I am hoping McGinnis will invite me, Sullivan, and Griffin over so we can engage in party games over the summer.

    Land of the midnight sun!

  17. Will Folks
    May 29th, 2010 @ 11:41 am

    I am hoping McGinnis will invite me, Sullivan, and Griffin over so we can engage in party games over the summer.

    Land of the midnight sun!

  18. yarrrrr
    May 29th, 2010 @ 4:50 pm

    So, how is that article you have queued up coming…

  19. yarrrrr
    May 29th, 2010 @ 4:50 pm

    So, how is that article you have queued up coming…

  20. yarrrrr
    May 29th, 2010 @ 11:50 am

    So, how is that article you have queued up coming…

  21. Robert Stacy McCain
    May 29th, 2010 @ 5:09 pm

    So, how is that article you have queued up coming…

    Still awaiting return phone calls.

    Memorial Day weekend and all that. Sources have real lives, spare time and weekends at Myrtle Beach. Bloggers, not so much.

  22. Robert Stacy McCain
    May 29th, 2010 @ 5:09 pm

    So, how is that article you have queued up coming…

    Still awaiting return phone calls.

    Memorial Day weekend and all that. Sources have real lives, spare time and weekends at Myrtle Beach. Bloggers, not so much.

  23. Robert Stacy McCain
    May 29th, 2010 @ 12:09 pm

    So, how is that article you have queued up coming…

    Still awaiting return phone calls.

    Memorial Day weekend and all that. Sources have real lives, spare time and weekends at Myrtle Beach. Bloggers, not so much.

  24. FenelonSpoke
    May 29th, 2010 @ 5:53 pm

    Mr. Folks-

    The info about daisy chaining was more information than I needed to know. The most I knew about daisy chains was what I remembered as a tradition at my college for woman where the students actually constructed “daisy chains”-made out of real daisies. It probably went back to something they did in the 1800’s. I prefer the vision of lovely 20 year old women with daisies around their necks to you having group sex; I’ll know now to give your links a pass.

  25. FenelonSpoke
    May 29th, 2010 @ 5:53 pm

    Mr. Folks-

    The info about daisy chaining was more information than I needed to know. The most I knew about daisy chains was what I remembered as a tradition at my college for woman where the students actually constructed “daisy chains”-made out of real daisies. It probably went back to something they did in the 1800’s. I prefer the vision of lovely 20 year old women with daisies around their necks to you having group sex; I’ll know now to give your links a pass.

  26. FenelonSpoke
    May 29th, 2010 @ 12:53 pm

    Mr. Folks-

    The info about daisy chaining was more information than I needed to know. The most I knew about daisy chains was what I remembered as a tradition at my college for woman where the students actually constructed “daisy chains”-made out of real daisies. It probably went back to something they did in the 1800’s. I prefer the vision of lovely 20 year old women with daisies around their necks to you having group sex; I’ll know now to give your links a pass.

  27. yarrrrr
    May 29th, 2010 @ 6:37 pm

    Russia Today take on this scandal… they bring in political analysis and RedEye contributor Diana Falzone…

  28. yarrrrr
    May 29th, 2010 @ 6:37 pm

    Russia Today take on this scandal… they bring in political analysis and RedEye contributor Diana Falzone…

  29. yarrrrr
    May 29th, 2010 @ 1:37 pm

    Russia Today take on this scandal… they bring in political analysis and RedEye contributor Diana Falzone…

  30. Estragon
    May 29th, 2010 @ 8:07 pm

    Erickson did EXACTLY what Folks has been doing all along. Some people are too dull of wit to get it. It’s hard to muster much sympathy for them.

    Riehl can kiss my asp. After making disparaging remarks about the whole state, NOW he’s riding to the rescue? Thanks, but no thanks, jerk. We got along for 400 years without his help, so we’ll just muddle on through.

    No offense, I know y’all are tight, going back to sharing a bunk that summer . . . but what happens at Camp Hoosiercootchie STAYS at Camp Hoosiercootchie . . .

  31. Estragon
    May 29th, 2010 @ 8:07 pm

    Erickson did EXACTLY what Folks has been doing all along. Some people are too dull of wit to get it. It’s hard to muster much sympathy for them.

    Riehl can kiss my asp. After making disparaging remarks about the whole state, NOW he’s riding to the rescue? Thanks, but no thanks, jerk. We got along for 400 years without his help, so we’ll just muddle on through.

    No offense, I know y’all are tight, going back to sharing a bunk that summer . . . but what happens at Camp Hoosiercootchie STAYS at Camp Hoosiercootchie . . .

  32. Estragon
    May 29th, 2010 @ 3:07 pm

    Erickson did EXACTLY what Folks has been doing all along. Some people are too dull of wit to get it. It’s hard to muster much sympathy for them.

    Riehl can kiss my asp. After making disparaging remarks about the whole state, NOW he’s riding to the rescue? Thanks, but no thanks, jerk. We got along for 400 years without his help, so we’ll just muddle on through.

    No offense, I know y’all are tight, going back to sharing a bunk that summer . . . but what happens at Camp Hoosiercootchie STAYS at Camp Hoosiercootchie . . .