The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Feminists OK With Women in Panties Selling Beer. Pro-Life Ads? Not So Much

Posted on | January 29, 2010 | 60 Comments

Sarah Palin nailed the National Organization of Women for trying to prevent CBS from airing a pro-life ad during the Super Bowl:

“My message to these groups who are inexplicably offended by a pro-woman, pro-child, pro-life message airing during the Super Bowl: please concentrate on empowering women, help with efforts to prevent unexpected pregnancies, stay consistent with your message that for too long women have been made to feel like sex objects in our ‘modern’ culture and that we can expect better in 2010.”

The man-haters whine that they’ve been misunderstood:

NOW President Terry O’Neill said that Palin is “missing our point.”
“The goal of the Focus on the Family ad is not to empower women. It’s to create a climate in which Roe v. Wade can be overturned,” O’Neill said. “There are always going to be women who need abortions. In this country, one in three women will have an abortion.”
“Focus on the Family has cynically set it up so they can say anyone who disagrees with airing this ad is disrespecting one woman and her choice. NOW respects every woman’s right to plan her own family and insists our laws do the same,” said O’Neill.

Feminists against cynical manipulation of issues? That would be something new.

The ad in question shows Tim Tebow and his mother discussing the medical difficulties of her pregnancy, during which she was urged to abort the future University of Florida quarterback — a decision that would have spared her child the unbearable pain of losing the SEC title to Alabama

OK, you knew I had to take that shot at Tebow. (Roll Tide!) But seriously, while the man-haters at NOW tried to prevent the Tebow ad from being shown during the Super Bowl, they haven’t mounted a similar protest against Budweiser ads featuring scantily-clad babes. Chris Stirewalt of the Washington Examiner explains:

In terms of Super Bowl ads, “sexist” is code for “anti-abortion.” But “sexist” does not apply to parading women around in their underpants to sell beer.
Got it?

Yeah, but real men don’t need women parading around in underpants to sell them beer. NTTAWWT.

UPDATE: Liberals have developed a brilliant new communication strategy: Twitter trolls. They lurk on the #TCOT (Top Conservatives On Twitter) feed, then post derogatory responses. After I Tweeted this post, one such creature responded by calling me “Bullshit artist” and “Douchebag,” before Tweeting this:

 I triple dog dare you to print my comment on your blog, Mr. Dishonest Fuckwit. 🙂

The comment (submitted with a bogus e-mail address, of course) was approved:

As usual conservatives like yourself and Palin can’t even argue the issue at hand. You develop a strawman . . . and then present that to your ignorant followers as fact so that they never face the inherent nihilism of conservative “values.”

Exit question: Does feminism deprive people of a sense of humor, or are humorless people just naturally attracted to feminism?

UPDATE II: In the comments, Amanda Read links to her post on this subject, featuring video of Americans United for Life’s Charmaine Yoest debating Erin Matson of the National Organization for Women Parading Around in Their Underpants:


60 Responses to “Feminists OK With Women in Panties Selling Beer. Pro-Life Ads? Not So Much”

  1. The Blanque
    January 30th, 2010 @ 6:03 am

    What a fabrication. Feminists regularly call out advertising as sexist, especially SB advertising.

    So–the exploitation of women takes second-place to Planned Parenthood’s revenue stream?

  2. The Blanque
    January 30th, 2010 @ 1:03 am

    What a fabrication. Feminists regularly call out advertising as sexist, especially SB advertising.

    So–the exploitation of women takes second-place to Planned Parenthood’s revenue stream?

  3. Tom_Ohio
    January 30th, 2010 @ 6:22 am

    ….. and now a message from the 40 million babies aborted since the Roe v Wade decision, take it away ……………… ……………. ………………… ……………. ……………. …. well that was interesting, and now back to Biff and Brock in the booth, and Betty on the field to talk to Coach Buff, take it away Biff

  4. Tom_Ohio
    January 30th, 2010 @ 1:22 am

    ….. and now a message from the 40 million babies aborted since the Roe v Wade decision, take it away ……………… ……………. ………………… ……………. ……………. …. well that was interesting, and now back to Biff and Brock in the booth, and Betty on the field to talk to Coach Buff, take it away Biff

  5. uberVU - social comments
    January 30th, 2010 @ 8:18 am

    Social comments and analytics for this post…

    This post was mentioned on Twitter by KevinWmCox: RT @rsmccain: @politicalmath @jimmiebjr Thx4ReTweets! [] Feminists OK With Women in Panties Selling Beer; Pro-Life Ads? Not So Much:

  6. Thank you Tim Tebow « Da Mook
    January 30th, 2010 @ 12:08 pm

    […] (More here from Stacy McCain) WHOA! Wait just a bloody second. Does not Focus on the Family (the sponsor of the ad) have the right to purchase (extremely expensive) airtime to present a message they believe in? Does not CBS have a right to accept those ad dollars and air the commercial? Of course they do you twits! And you have the right to change the channel when the spot airs. SHEESH! […]

  7. RMS
    January 30th, 2010 @ 9:12 pm

    I can see that we need a little clarification of the Official Party Line. (Listen up or else.)

    Exploitation of women, sexist or otherwise is Bad, but the murder of women babies, well . . . we’re not so sure about that.

    Come to think of it though, if women were to become an Endangered, but not quite Extinct Species due to a Woman’s Sacred Right to Choose the Sacrament of Abortion, that means there would be more Holy Federal Govt. money for one, as well as less womyn to be exploited.

    Ta Dah! Voila! We have solved the problem and the apparent contradiction that those capitalist running dog pro life wreckers have smeared our glorious Revolution with. And now in celebration of that postmodern fact, boys and girls, lets rise to sing our favorite hymn to the transgendered heroes of our revolution.

    Is feminism totalitarian and humorless? Duh.
    Does it believe in offing the opposition, pro-life women (and men)?
    Uh, I hate to impugn their motives or character, but I do wonder.

    But intolerance and discrimination is a fact of life. To deny it is to become schizophrenic/hypocritical/irrational. (Duh again.)
    But the mainstream socialist feminists/ earthworshippers/ minority-as-victim racists profess to believe in that great cuddley wuddley god of Feel Good Tolerance and that the Only Truth is that Everything is Relative. (And we do mean Everything on the order of the ‘All Animals Are Equal’ slogan of Orwell’s Animal Farm). Consequently those who are open about their intolerance of error and untruth are essentially guilty of treason (if not worse actually thinking it, i.e a nefarious “thought crime”.)
    But treason is a capitol offense – even if we don’t believe in the death penalty. Guess we’ll have to call it something else.
    I dunno, how about calling it “abortion”? Nah, that one’s already taken.

    Anyway, I can feel a strong need for Abject SelfCriticism coming on right now because of my SelfDoubt of the Feminist Ideology and so I must bid my fellow totalitarian tolerationists adieu, hoping they will always remember that:

    Sexist Exploitation of Women Bad.
    Fascist Abortion of Women Good.

    (Of course, every good commune member can be counted on to supply their own favorite [c]rap background sound track to this chant.)

  8. RMS
    January 30th, 2010 @ 4:12 pm

    I can see that we need a little clarification of the Official Party Line. (Listen up or else.)

    Exploitation of women, sexist or otherwise is Bad, but the murder of women babies, well . . . we’re not so sure about that.

    Come to think of it though, if women were to become an Endangered, but not quite Extinct Species due to a Woman’s Sacred Right to Choose the Sacrament of Abortion, that means there would be more Holy Federal Govt. money for one, as well as less womyn to be exploited.

    Ta Dah! Voila! We have solved the problem and the apparent contradiction that those capitalist running dog pro life wreckers have smeared our glorious Revolution with. And now in celebration of that postmodern fact, boys and girls, lets rise to sing our favorite hymn to the transgendered heroes of our revolution.

    Is feminism totalitarian and humorless? Duh.
    Does it believe in offing the opposition, pro-life women (and men)?
    Uh, I hate to impugn their motives or character, but I do wonder.

    But intolerance and discrimination is a fact of life. To deny it is to become schizophrenic/hypocritical/irrational. (Duh again.)
    But the mainstream socialist feminists/ earthworshippers/ minority-as-victim racists profess to believe in that great cuddley wuddley god of Feel Good Tolerance and that the Only Truth is that Everything is Relative. (And we do mean Everything on the order of the ‘All Animals Are Equal’ slogan of Orwell’s Animal Farm). Consequently those who are open about their intolerance of error and untruth are essentially guilty of treason (if not worse actually thinking it, i.e a nefarious “thought crime”.)
    But treason is a capitol offense – even if we don’t believe in the death penalty. Guess we’ll have to call it something else.
    I dunno, how about calling it “abortion”? Nah, that one’s already taken.

    Anyway, I can feel a strong need for Abject SelfCriticism coming on right now because of my SelfDoubt of the Feminist Ideology and so I must bid my fellow totalitarian tolerationists adieu, hoping they will always remember that:

    Sexist Exploitation of Women Bad.
    Fascist Abortion of Women Good.

    (Of course, every good commune member can be counted on to supply their own favorite [c]rap background sound track to this chant.)

  9. Mike Bratton
    January 31st, 2010 @ 10:02 pm

    What child is it that posts with scatological language, combined with a lack of understanding that nihilism, via the hopey-changey route our first American dictator is taking, is precisely the goal of liberals and progressives?

    Conservatives have values; liberals and progressives have targets and victims.


  10. Mike Bratton
    January 31st, 2010 @ 5:02 pm

    What child is it that posts with scatological language, combined with a lack of understanding that nihilism, via the hopey-changey route our first American dictator is taking, is precisely the goal of liberals and progressives?

    Conservatives have values; liberals and progressives have targets and victims.
